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Variety House specializes in serving the needs of Communication, Media Production and Vintage Fashion, and prides itself on being able to cater to its client’s needs in a variety of ways.  VH stands strongly by its slogan, “Helping Reveal Visions in a Vogue Style.”  Each and every client has a style, whether it is in communication or vintage fashion, where VH specialist will help reveal.  To assist in revealing visions, Variety House has three departments of professional services to offer its clients. The services are Variety House Communication, Variety House Production and Variety House Vintage.


The characteristics of Variety House:


Adaptability:  VH lives in the moment with our clients.  We understand that the media has put a “stamp” on what supposed to look and feel a certain way; however, VH specialist are qualified and willingly respond to the demands of our clients, even if it pulls us away from the stamped approval of the media.  We embrace certain requests or unforeseen detours.  We say all this to tell our clients that we remain flexible with their vision.


Futuristic:  Visions energize VH; and what separates us from other companies is the simple fact that we see, in detail, what the future holds, and; this detailed vision keeps us innovative.  VH considers itself a dreamer, and loves the future.  Our clients latch onto the hope that we bring.


Ideation:  VH is fascinated by ideas.  We are delighted when we discover the idea beneath the surface of our client’s vision.  That idea is how we truly connect with our clients.  We revel in taking an idea and turning it around so that we can view it in a strangely enlightening angle.  The energy is amazingly high when a new idea is discovered.


Strategic:  VH is able to sort through the clutter and find the best route for our clients.  This is not a characteristic that can be taught.  Other companies may see complexity.  But, VH see a pattern that can be reached, if the right angles are taken correctly.  We cull and make selections until we find the chosen path for our clients.   


Realtor:  When all things are said and done, VH makes a lifelong connection with each client.  We want to understand our client’s feelings, goals, fears, dreams, and encourage deep connections with every client.     We truly build genuine relationships.            


When VH says that we, “Help Reveal Visions in a Vogue Style,” we mean that whatever approach that our clients envision their brand to be, we will take that vision beyond the next level.  We believe that having a vogue style is in the creativity and novelty of the vision.   Once this is developed, VH produces a brand/trend for our client that no one else can replicate.  


 (Clifton Stregths Finder)


Who we are


Media Production

Vintage Fashion

Stephanie Ricks


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